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RAW NU-YU 🔥- RULE 3 - Avoid single nutrient meals⁠ - 🔑The key to sustainable weight loss

👩‍🍳 Do your best to make sure each meal consists of lean protein, fibrous carbs, and starchy carbs.

👍 Avoid single nutrient meals, as the combination of food nutrients not only makes for a well-balanced meal but also dramatically changes the impact the meal has on your blood sugar and insulin.

👍In this case one plus one equal twenty... as the combined effect is a far more significant fat burning boost than eating any one food in isolation simply through the control of important nutritionally affected hormones.

🔑 Download the Nutrient Fusion Key 👇


Let's 'explain this in a little more detail 👇

👉The success of weight loss and sustaining it, revolves around the concept of Nutrient Fusion.

👉Nutrient Fusion consists of picking food items from each of the four major food categories and including them in every meal, if possible :

> Proteins

> Fibrous Carbohydrates

> Starchy Carbohydrates

> Incidental Fats

🔥 Eating one in isolation has a much different effect on the body than eating one with another. Combining three or even all four categories doesn’t simply have an additive effect on your fat burning efforts, but actually a MULTIPLYING FACTOR that explodes your weight loss efforts through its metabolism boosting manipulation of blood sugar levels.

😣Diet programs requiring you to eat nothing but grapefruit or drink nothing but liquids for days are anything but stable. Likewise, diet programs teaching you it’s alright to eat brownies, doughnuts, pies, and soda are not only lying to you, but instill bad habits.

📈Blood sugar levels can have a profound effect on your minute-to-minute energy levels and overall health. Don’t believe me? One of the scariest things you can ever witness is the sudden decline of someone entering into a hypoglycemic attack. As system blood sugar levels plummet, so too does the function of the brain and nervous system, as well as muscle activity and awareness.

👎On a much different scale, the damage that is being rendered on your weight loss efforts by constantly riding the blood sugar roller coaster, while less instantaneous…is no less destructive to your body over time.

🔑Stability is the key to effective fat burning. Diet programs requiring you to eat nothing but grapefruit or drink nothing but liquids for days are anything but stable. They are unnatural and destined to fail. Likewise, diet programs teaching you it’s alright to eat brownies, doughnuts, pies, and soda are not only lying to you, but instill bad habits which do nothing to lend stability to your metabolism and blood sugar needed for critical functioning of your body.

😣 Inevitably, you fall off the wagon on these impossible to follow diets (think low-carb and no-carb plans) and you’ll be back to eating the same junk you were taught to eat while on the program…but this time, with your metabolism all out of whack…with even greater repercussions!


🔑The Key to Nutrient Fusion “So what can I eat?”

You may choose from over 250+ foods that are not only easy to prepare, but also delicious! I’m asking you to eliminate the obvious offenders like cupcakes, brownies, creamy salad dressings, ice cream, alcohol (in moderation), and greasy chips (just wait for Baked Sweet Potato Fries!) to name a few. Trust me. You have great tasting alternatives you can eat until you’re full, and will help you trim inches off your body.

Just check out the this document which provides a key to all foods from each of the 4 key nutrient types:

> Proteins

> Fibrous Carbohydrates

> Starchy Carbohydrates

> Incidental Fats


🧡Check out the RAW NU YU Rule 1 "Eat 6 Six times and day" to see an example of what your day could look like, plus get some tasty recipe ideas⁠!


Missed them? Check out the links below to see all the 7 rules in this series.

RULE 7️⃣ Enjoy your meal. It’s not an opinion…it’s a physiological fact! ⁠


Anita Eastham

Great info 👌

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