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Team RAW Challenge - Plank a Day To Burn the Belly Away! 🔥

In this challenge I am looking for Team Members to push their body and minds through Lockdown PT 3.

The challenge is simple; perform a plank a day for 4 weeks working to pre-set targets each week. Let your mind and body reach new peaks and watch as your Plank Time" smashes new all time PB's. By the end of the 4 weeks you will be feeling stronger, fitter and the best version of you!


Each members Plank journey will tell a different story! Team member with the highest % increase over the 4 weeks will WIN a 1 Month FREE Team RAW Pass

In this challenge "one size does NOT fit all" , so you will receive points based on the following 3 factors. This is great as there is plenty of opportunity to boost your position on the results table week to week.

Challenge Factors & Points:

1- Total Plank Time

The longer you can grit your teeth and keep in your plank the more points awarded.

2 - Time Increase

This is the number of secs increase from your starting plank time to the challenge day (Sat) of that week. The more secs increased, the more points given!

3 - % Time Increase

This is a total % increase based on the increase of secs from your starting Plank Time to current Challenge day .The higher % you achieve, the more points will be top up your total!

4- Social Media Share

It's great to share the Team RAW love with your followers. Share your workouts to your Social Media profile and tag in Team RAW Boot Camp on Facebook or @rawptfitness on Instagram and earn your self EXTRA points!

Please make sure that you submit your plank times daily or at the very least on the Challenge day each week so they can be added to the weekly update.

Please see the "Point System Explained" TAB on the results table for more information. Note - All points are awarded from the time completed from the Saturday Challenge Day each week!

Happy planking, good luck and I am looking forward to seeing your results!

Bex xx😀💗


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